Report a side effect

Report a side effect

  Report a side effect of a drug Have you experienced a side effect with thyroid medications or other health products? Health Canada would like to hear from you. Your report can help make health products safer for all Canadians.To report a side effect to Health...
New Thyroid Dysfunction Screening Guideline

New Thyroid Dysfunction Screening Guideline

On November 18, 2019, we received a guideline release from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) on “Recommendations on screening adults for asymptomatic thyroid dysfunction in primary care”. CTFPHC recommends against screening asymptomatic...
Hot off the press – subclinical hypothyroidism

Hot off the press – subclinical hypothyroidism

 HOT OFF THE PRESS – SUBCLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM British medical associations speak out against the British Medical Journal’s treatment guidelines (or rather *lack* of treatment guidelines) for subclinical hypothyroidism, which is diagnosed when T3/T4 are...
Hypothyroid Patients and T4/T3 Testing – Yes or No

Hypothyroid Patients and T4/T3 Testing – Yes or No

  Hypothyroid Patients and T4/T3 Testing – Yes or No The Thyroid Foundation of Canada recently met with the Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) about the recommendation on T4/T3 testing for hypothyroidism.  As a result of Thyroid patients’...
Is Your Thyroid Affecting Your Mental Health?

Is Your Thyroid Affecting Your Mental Health?

Is your thyroid affecting your mental health? By Kelly Brogan, MD Thyroid: What’s mental health got to do with it? How much of what we call “mental illness” is actually thyroid-driven? In Dr. Kelly Brogan’s experience “a vast majority, and certainly enough...
Thyroid Nodule Classification in Ultrasound Images

Thyroid Nodule Classification in Ultrasound Images

Thyroid Nodule Classification in Ultrasound Images by Fine-Tuning Deep Convolutional Neural Network Recent research in Saskatchewan   With many thyroid nodules being incidentally detected, it is important to identify as many malignant nodules as possible while...
Volunteers Needed to Support Our National Help Line

Volunteers Needed to Support Our National Help Line

Volunteers Needed to Support Our National Help Line Volunteers Needed to Support Our National Help Line The Thyroid Foundation of Canada is looking for part-time volunteers to join our team that supports thyroid patients by answering calls from our National Help Line...
Finding someone to talk to…

Finding someone to talk to…

Finding someone to talk to …   We offer help and support to thyroid patients. That’s been one of our goals for many years, probably since the inception of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada.  Many times the calls we receive are from thyroid patients who just...
Lupus Clinical Trials

Lupus Clinical Trials

New Technology for Lupus Clinical Trials: Autoimmune thyroid disease is common in lupus. It is believed that about 6% of people with lupus have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and about 1% have hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Hyperthyroidism can cause...
U.S. Thyroid Medication Recalls

U.S. Thyroid Medication Recalls

News on U.S. Thyroid Medication Recalls The Thyroid Foundation of Canada wishes to advise thyroid patients we have no indication there is a recall of thyroid medications in Canada.  Some patients showed concern re a recent news release of recalls however it relates to...

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