About Thyroid Disease
Thyroid health affects all aspects of well being, both genders, all ages
The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck. It weighs only about 20 grams. However, the hormones it secretes are essential to growth and metabolism and regulate body function. It is estimated that 200 million people in the world have some form of thyroid disease. In Canada there is a staggering number of people affected. Recent studies indicate that 1 in 10 Canadians suffer from a thyroid condition of one type or another! Of those, as many as 50% are undiagnosed!

Thyroid Disease is a family affair
Thyroid disease is hereditary and commonly affects other members in the family, but may show up in another form. Until this gland goes awry, very little attention is given to its small, butterfly shaped presence at the base of the neck. The hormones it secretes are essential to all growth and metabolism.
The domino effect
Most people are unaware that cardiac disease, lupus, reproductive difficulties, diabetes, arthritis as well as many other health issues are associated with a poor functioning thyroid gland. Research has shown that early thyroid assessment can, in many cases, reduce the incidence or severity of these high profile diseases.

There are many types of thyroid disease, including:
- Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)
- Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
- Graves’ eye disease
- Cancer of the thyroid
- Nodules
Thyroid health for life
Thyroid disease may have a significant effect when it occurs at critical times during the life cycle and this will require different treatment and testing.

The importance of early diagnosis
Early diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease is crucial. It is the goal of the TFC to raise awareness of the role of a healthy thyroid and to help the public and Canadian medical service providers to think thyroid first when it comes to health.
What you can do now!
Do you have a healthy thyroid? Keep up-to-date with thyroid news and information by joining TFC and receiving Thyrobulletin, TFC’s newsletter.
Help spread thyroid awareness by making a donation. All donations support the work
of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada.