Toll Free Help Line

TFC provides a Toll-Free Help Line to provide service for thyroid patients and interested callers. Callers are requested to leave a message with their number on our toll-free number (1-800-267-8822) and a member of our volunteer Help Line team will call back within a day or two. We can also be contacted via email at
Services Provided
Callers are provided with information on thyroid disease and/or shown where to find it on our website. We also provide moral support as Help Line team members are also thyroid patients.
Services Not Provided
While we try to assist callers in the best way we can, we do not provide medical advice as we are all volunteers (and not physicians). Please note that Help Line calls are intended to be one-time calls and not ongoing long-term support. We have a physician search facility that allows one to search for endocrinologists in their area (see link). We also do not recommend individual physicians based on practice specialty or other factors.
Courteousness on the phone is encouraged. Abusive language either on our Help Line or in our emails will not be tolerated. We will not respond to abusive callers.
We respond to both English and French call or emails.
Recent calls
Ethanol Ablation: The caller Inquired where she can get ethanol ablation procedure performed. TFC responded that to our information, thyroid nodule ablation treatment was not yet widely available in Canada.