Thyroid Foundation of Canada
Established in Canada in 1980 by thyroid patients for thyroid patients
Providing education, moral support and funding for thyroid research
Thyroid News
No Iodine in Most Processed Foods
“Iodine deficiency appears to be on the rise across North America, say researchers.” “A 2022 study out of McMaster University in Hamilton …
Thyroid Cancer Patients Requested for CDA Review
Thyroid Cancer Patients with a rare form of anaplastic thyroid cancer are needed by Canada’s Drug Agency (CDA) for an …
Regulatory Review of New TED Drug
TFC is supporting the Canadian regulatory review of the teprotumumab (Tepezza) drug for treating Thyroid Eye Disease produced by Amgen …
2024 TFC Research Grant – Thyroid Cancer
This year’s $50K TFC grant was awarded to Dr. Annie Sawka and co-investigator, Dr. Heather Lochnan, for their proposed research on thyroid cancer.
New Video on Hypothyroidism
The Thyroid Foundation of Canada and BGP Pharma ULC o/a Viatris Canada, have co-sponsored a new video on hypothyroidism with Dr. Sue D. Pedersen to promote public awareness.
RFA Facilities in Canada
The Thyroid Foundation of Canada is providing a list of Radio Frequency Ablation Facilities currently available in Canada for the treatment of thyroid nodules.