Facilities for Radio Frequency Ablation of Thyroid Nodules in Canada

VM Med Thyroid Centre


1538 Sherbrooke Street West,
Suite # 1000 (10th floor)
Montreal, QC, H3G 1L5

 Contact 1:  Dr. Cassandre Benay
 Telephone:  514-933-2778
   1-800-849-6048 (toll free)
 Fax:  514-788-1484
 Inquiries:  RDV@vmmed.com
 Contact 2:  Dr. Dawn Anderson
 Telephone:  514-933-2778
   1-800-849-6048 (toll free)
 Fax:   514-933-2778
 Inquiries: RDV@vmmed.com

Patients can be referred by their Primary Care Physician or other Specialist involved in their care, such as Endocrinologist or Surgeon. We also welcome inquiries from patients themselves, especially if they are already have reports such as ultrasound and biopsies. If the patient has not had a complete imaging and biopsy workup we are happy to see them and rapidly organize whatever investigations or procedures are necessary. We will see patients from Quebec and also from the rest of Canada.

 Assessment: Patients need a good quality neck ultrasound with detailed measurements of thyroid  nodules as well as assessment of lymph nodes of the neck and blood tests of thyroid function. Two biopsies proving the benign nature of the nodule to be treated is recommended by the RFA Guidelines in most countries. Depending on the size and location of the nodules, some patients may require other workup such as CT Scan or Iodine Nuclear Medicine Scan. All of these investigations can be quicky and efficiently organized by VM Med if necessary.



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