Thyroid Foundation of Canada

2024-2025 Board of Directors



The Thyroid Foundation of Canada is pleased to announce the Board of Directors for 2024-2025:

Laz Bouros – Ottawa ON

Past President
Mabel Miller – Gander NL

Vice President 
Kim McNally – Kingston ON

Director, Education
Michelle Sveistrup – Beaconsfield QC

Director, Fundraising
Carol Dodds – Halifax NS

Director, Patient Support
Kim McNally – Kingston ON

Director, Research
Hanista Premachandran – Scarborough ON

Director, Volunteer Recruitment & Development
Lauri Martin – Strome, AB

Director at Large
Tracy Hey – St. Margaret’s Bay NS




Help us to Help Others


  • Community publicity & advocacy
  • Educational webinars
  • Information resources on our website

Patient Support

  • Toll Free Help line and email
  • Website thyroid news
  • Thyrobulletin newsletter


  • Annual Thyroid Research grants
  • Thyroid research news
  • Thyroid research articles