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We are the Face & Voice of Thyroid Patients in Canada

Studies indicate that 1 in 10 Canadians suffer from a thyroid condition of one type or another and are 4 to 7 times more common in women.

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Thyroid Disease is a Family Affair

Thyroid disease is hereditary and commonly affects other members in the family, but may show up in another form.
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Thyroid Disease affects all ages and genders

Thyroid disease may have a significant effect at critical times during the life cycle.

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Awareness · Support · Research

The Thyroid Foundation of Canada has given close to $1,000,000 to research into thyroid disease.

TFC News

AGM 2024

AGM 2024

44th Annual General Meeting
Thyroid Foundation of Canada
is pleased to announce the
Board of Directors
for 2024-2025

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New Video on Hypothyroidism

New Video on Hypothyroidism

The Thyroid Foundation of Canada and BGP Pharma ULC o/a Viatris Canada, have co-sponsored a new video on hypothyroidism with Dr. Sue D. Pedersen to promote public awareness.

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Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

The Thyroid Cancer Alliance (TCA) and Thyroid Federation International (TFI), with the help of the pharmaceutical company Ipsen, are conducting an international patient survey on (DTC).

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Thyroid Cancer Survivors Survey

Thyroid Cancer Survivors Survey

Thyroid Cancer Survivors, University of Calgary. A team of clinical researchers and thyroid cancer survivors are looking into thyroid cancer patient experiences, treatment satisfaction, and …

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TFC 2023 Research Award

TFC 2023 Research Award

The Thyroid Foundation of Canada is very excited to announce the winner of the 2023 TFC Research Award. Congratulations to Dr. Sana Ghaznavi, University of Calgary.

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RFA Facilities in Canada

RFA Facilities in Canada

The Thyroid Foundation of Canada is providing a list of Radio Frequency Ablation Facilities currently available in Canada for the treatment of thyroid nodules.

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  • Toll Free Help line and email
  • Website thyroid news
  • Thyrobulletin newsletter


  • Annual Thyroid Research grants
  • Thyroid research news
  • Thyroid research articles