Our Services

- Community publicity for thyroid news and events
- Advocacy with key stakeholders for improving thyroid care
- Free public educational webinars
- Medically approved information on our website such as thyroid patient guides, webinar recordings, articles, fact sheets, research articles and suggested reading
Patient Support
- Toll Free telephone Help line available to anyone in Canada 1-800-267-8822
- Contact via email at info@thyroid.ca
- Thyroid news on our website and social media
- Emails to members for the latest news, upcoming webinars and other events
- Thyrobulletin, TFC’s official newsletter published semi-annually for members
- TFC Research Awards program provides funding for thyroid-related research projects in Canada
- Results from thyroid research projects showcased on our webinars
- Thyroid research news and articles published on our website and social media