Welcome to our New Website
- new, modern look
- search facility
- Just for Members area
- and more to come!
The new redesign now takes advantage of the complete screen area and includes numerous colourful images throughout the site. Structurally, we have separate tabs for Join, Volunteer and Donate (top right and at the bottom of the page). There is a banner that constantly moves across the top of the page showing different articles and images. New too is a search feature (top right) that allows you to find specific news articles or resource material on the site. A Facebook link is provided (bottom left). We can now capture visitor information (as provided).
The new website features a Just for Members area where you can find:
- Thyrobulletin latest issue
- Thyrobulletin back issues
- Our Stories – personal stories written by thyroid patients
- TFC Documents, including Bylaws, Strategic Plan, etc.
Coming soon to the Just for Members area:
- Members’ Forum – Post questions and topics for discussion with other members
- Medical Advisory Service – information to come soon
If you are a member of TFC, we invite you to join Just for Members. To sign-up and receive your user name and password, send your name and email address to: info@thyroid.ca