Thyroid Events

Upcoming Webinars

Our next webinars will be announced in fall 2024. Please check back.

TFC Webinars are recorded and can be viewed at:  Thyroid Webinars

May 25-31, 2024

World Thyroid Day and

International Thyroid Awareness Week

World Thyroid Day, May 25th, and International Thyroid Awareness Week, May 25-31, were developed by Thyroid Federation International (TFI). They are celebrated every year by Thyroid patient groups around the world.  The theme for 2024 is “Thyroid diseases are NCDs (Noncommunicable diseases)”. Read more about this:

June 1-30

June is Thyroid Month in Canada

Help spread awareness of Thyroid Disease in June!

June 2024 – date to be announced

Thyroid Foundation of Canada Annual General Meeting

Please check back for future events.

Help us to Help Others


  • Community publicity & advocacy
  • Educational webinars
  • Information resources on our website

Patient Support

  • Toll Free Help line and email
  • Website thyroid news
  • Thyrobulletin newsletter


  • Annual Thyroid Research grants
  • Thyroid research news
  • Thyroid research articles