TFC News
Thyroid Cancer Survivors Survey
A team of clinical researchers at the University of Calgary and thyroid cancer survivors are looking into thyroid cancer patient experiences, treatment satisfaction, and opportunities to…
New RFA Facility in Halifax
A new Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) facility for thyroid nodules is now available at the Nova Scotia Health Authority, Bayers Lake Community Outpatient Centre, Halifax NS.
Thyroid Eye Disease Survey
We are conducting an important survey on the impact of thyroid eye disease (TED) on patients and caregivers.
The survey has now been completed.
Autoimmune Diseases Research
The University of Cambridge, England, is conducting a research project on the impact of autoimmune diseases on health and quality of life, with a special emphasis …
Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
The Thyroid Cancer Alliance (TCA) and Thyroid Federation International (TFI), with the help of the pharmaceutical company Ipsen, are conducting an international patient survey on (DTC).
Thyrobulletin Spring 2024
Thyrobulletin is the official newsletter of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada.
The Spring 2024 issue is now available. Become a member and get your complimentary copy.