Facilities for Radio Frequency Ablation of Thyroid Nodules in Canada

Women’s College Hospital

Location of procedure:

76 Grenville Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1B2

Contact:  Dr. Karen Devon
Telephone:  416-323-6400 ext. 7352
Fax:  416-323-6308
Inquiries:  karen.devon@wchospital.ca
Initiation: Referral should be faxed or emailed and include an ultrasound within the last 1 year. This can include patients from other provinces. It will be reviewed within 2 weeks of receipt and the patient will be contact directly.
Assessment: RFA is an outpatient procedure that can replace surgical management for symptomatic (swallowing, breathing, cosmetic) benign thyroid nodules or autonomously functioning nodules. Biopsies can be done at the initial clinic visit if not already available. Initial assessment is OHIP covered. Patients will be assessed by an endocrine surgeon with over 10 years of experience and significant contributions to the field.
Website:  Surgery | Women’s College Hospital (womenscollegehospital.ca)


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