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Thyrobulletin Spring 2024 now available

Thyrobulletin is the official newsletter of the Thyroid Foundation of Canada.
The Spring 2023 issue is now available. Become a member and get your complimentary copy.

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Thyroid Foundation of Canada 2021 Research Award

The Thyroid Foundation of Canada (TFC) is very excited to announce the winner of the 2021 TFC Research Award. Congratulations to Dr. Ralf Paschke for his research on the Classification of Thyroid Tumours.

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ERFA Acquired by Searchlight Pharma

ERFA, the provider of the desiccated thyroid product for hypothyroid patients across Canada was acquired by Searchlight Pharma last January. Mark Nawacki, President & CEO of Searchlight Pharma …

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CTFPHC TSH Screening Recommendations

CTFPHC Release of Recommendations on screening adults for asymptomatic thyroid dysfunction in primary care.

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Thyroid Eye Disease Webinar Recording Available

Dr. Kelsey Roelofs completed her medical education and residency training at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. Following this, she embarked on a one year ocular oncology fellowship at …

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